The reported sudden and unexpected passing of Emmanuel Galliard, 69, on 1 April 2021 most notably as one of the world’s leading arbitrators, has been confirmed by his arbitration boutique firm Gaillard Banifatemi Shelbaya Disputes. Human Rights at Sea mourns his loss.

The former head of arbitration for Human Rights at Sea’s legal partner, Shearman and Sterling LLP, which he founded in 1987, was also a key stakeholder for the ongoing development of a new victim-led ad hoc international Human Rights at Sea Arbitration tribunal.

In a statement, the firm said 69-year-old Gaillard was “a totem in the world of international arbitration, and a source of inspiration for lawyers across the world. Arbitrators, practitioners, academics, and clients universally admired his brilliance, integrity, humanity and dedication.”

CEO, David Hammond, said: “The passing of Emmanuel is a tragic loss for his family, friends and all whom he came in contact with. Human Rights at Sea was privileged to have had his engagement, wisdom and support in our ongoing and developing maritime arbitration work alongside his current and former colleagues.”

Read the firm’s statement here.
