New Supporting Entities join Human Rights at Sea from the global fishing sector
Human Rights at Sea is delighted to welcome two new Supporting Entities to the HRAS organisation. Both Labour Safe and the Sustainability Incubator join Human Rights at Sea in the quest to bring solutions to the seafood industry for vexing issues of forced and trafficked labour at sea. The Labour Safe Screen(www.laboursafescreen.com) programme offers risk scoring for these issues for seafood supply chains while the Sustainability Incubator (www.sustainability-incubator.com) company can help seafood buyers to understand where risks occur at sea in fishing grounds, fleets and fisheries as well as onshore in exporting countries. Katrina Nakamura of the Sustainability Incubator stated in relation to HRAS that: “We support the work and commend the HRAS focus on Missing Seafarers, being the heart of the issue”.
For more information contact:
The Sustainability Incubator | 4348 Waialae Avenue, Box 229 | Honolulu, HI 96816 USA | info@sustainability-incubator.com