22 Jul 2014Girija Shettar of IHS Maritime 360 discusses the issues of human rights and seafarers in the shipping industrySee IHS Maritime 360 video HERE
18 Jul 2014Blake Morgan LLP re-joins HRAS as a Supporting EntityBlake Morgan LLP, formerly Morgan Cole LLP, has joined HRAS as a Supporting Entity to provide expanded legal support and services to the HRAS initiative, particular within the regulatory and CSR areas
18 Jul 2014Apostleship of the Sea joins HRAS as the 35th Supporting EntityHRAS is delighted to announce that the Apostleship of the Sea has kindly agreed to join the HRAS initiative and support the on-going work being developed by the HRAS team and their Collaborative
16 Jul 2014Italian translation of the HRAS Briefing Note – now availableThe Italian translation of the HRAS Briefing Note is now available HERE
15 Jul 2014HRAS becomes a supporter of the Global Ocean CommissionThe Human Rights at Sea international initiative has joined with the Global Ocean Commission to add their support to the Commission’s work on the High Seas. Supporters can be viewed here. The Global
04 Dec 2012REPORT: Fisheries abuses and related observer deaths in the Pacific region4 December 2017 Investigative Report and Case Study Today, Human Rights at Sea publishes its latest international investigative report and case study into the issue of disappearances and deaths of